Singing voice

Full day workshops in a small group. Where we will tap into your voice as an instrument that connects you to your body, imagination,emotions and creativity. It is a matter of listening. And reclaiming a leadership over your own inner space.

Listen to yourself



A workshop to connect you to your (physical and intuitive) singing voice as well as your musical part of your brain. Through the practice of listening we surrender to what is, getting out of the judging head. We let ourselves connect our voice to the body, emotions, energy and our intuitive flow. Surpricing ourselves by the melodies, harmonies, and rhythms that surface when we allow a free voice flow through improvisation, in group as well as alone.


For creative souls curious to connect to their singing body, voice and mind. As well as for performers, singers and other people working with the voice - to open a intuitive field of meeting your voice again. To voice from a connected authentic inner place. To listen and be led by its nature finding a new sense of natural surrendered leadership from within.

coming up

  • September: Leadership Voice

  • November: Singing Voice

Visit the eventpage for the full program and theme