
|| : Life singing itself back to life : ||

This art has been born from my longing to connect deeper to the intuitive Nature I am. Nature that always amazes, surprises, and inspires me to grow and create.

May it inspire you, too.

To connect to the calling - to let it sing with and through us.

We all belong with our unique gifts and voices. Together, we are co-creating this awakened New Earth brimming with beauty, diversity, playfulness, and creativity. 

Thank you for being a part of this journey and for sharing in the joy of co-creation.

PS. By supporting my art, you are not only supporting the Nature you are. I also share a part of my earnings from my art with buying trees and supporting organisations dedicated to helping wildlife, birds, and oceans.

Animal card prints A5

  • Hand drawn with ink and love. Printed on A5 thick paper with the principle they hold on the back. Can be bought with or without a frame (A4 glass/ light wood)

    Excl. VAT 21% and postal costs

  • Animal card print (A5) in a wooden/ glass A4 frame.

    Excl. VAT 21% and postal costs.

Animal Card deck

  • 51 medicine cards. Printed on thick paper and coated with a protective layer for extended use. 

    Included is an overview of what principle each animal is holding/ singing. 

    They can be used for creative processes, guidance, inspiration, activating intuition, programming water, healing, and balancing relations. 

    They are eager to work with children :)

    Excl. VAT 21% and postal costs

Year Wheel - Calendar

  • To help us connect deeper and align with the Rhythm and Seasons of Nature.

    Calendar (17 × 28,50 cm) with space to note important dates - like birthdays and Equinox/ Solstice.

    Printed on thick paper (250 grams).

    The calendar comes with a link to audio guidance on how to travel and work with each Month and Animal within the Wheel of the Year.  (Made for the Northern Hemisphere seasons.)

    Made with love and lots of joy!

    Excl. VAT 21% and postal costs

Please note: All prices are without VAT (21%) and postal costs.

Animal Totems