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To be a Tree, a Waterfall and the one that is

…is to be a creator and performer. A coach and an independent professional performance artist, based in Amsterdam.

My background is physical theatre (mime), modern dance and (voice) improvisation.

I practice my art and creative flow in many ways; theatre-making, performing, making music, creating guided journeys, ceremonies, rituals, writing, drawing and photography. The tools I find and have found, I share through coaching, teaching and creating playful (online) collective journeys.

I believe the state of play to be essential.

Teaching and coaching have become a great source of inspiration and joy. Inviting and experiencing people connect to themselves, finding their true playful power, beauty and genuine voice again in freedom, is such a gift.

It is like seeing someone come home. 

“You seem to have reached a state of mastery and, thereby, the space to live the workshop in the moment.” Michael Stam

I built my know-how from over two decades of experience in the work field, with different audiences, ages and locations. With clear tools, and a playful intuition I guide you to trust your intuitive knowing. Sometimes with words, voice, music, movement or just simply space. But always with an honest intention to move you to a deeper connection to yourself.

In coaching and teaching I let you find your balance between your intuitive, creative and sensing nature and your analytic, rational and practical one. 

To me you are an example of how you as a ‘leader’ in a group can balance between giving direction and letting go, while enjoying it yourself too (the balance of giving and receiving).
— Marieke Polderdijk.

Whether in one on one sessions, small or big groups, online, in the studio or in nature - it is the presence and connection - to ourselves, the space and real Here and Now that is central. In an open listening, we allow each moment, person, group, space and whole to dynamically and naturally unfold and connect to its fullest potential.

I look forward to connect and travel next to you for a moment in our lives. And empowering you to remember; We are here now in this specific time, meant to authentically express ourselves, create and play - while enjoying the journey!


Life is in a permanent state of play. Instead of holding on and resisting the possible changes and temporarily feelings of vulnerability, why not accept the invitation? To fully step in and reclaim a deep trust in ourselves and our nature. Letting the journey, called life with all its learning unfold by trusting the unknown.