
The moonth journey of 2021.

Journey the wheel of the year to align to (your) nature.

Join in journeying with, aligning to, and co-creating

with the wheel and energies of the nature of the Year.


I invite you to travel a year with me, with the Months and Full Moons. Hence Moonths.

Each month I will send you inspiration, exercises, rituals you can do – either new or ancient old ones to let you work with the energies of the Nature. On the Full Moon of each month, I invite you to join a guided journey to connect deeper to your inner source and Nature for answers and inspiration.

Work with the rhythm of Nature

Each month holds different energies and lessons. The more we know and align ourselves to this, the more efficient and easy our journey can be.

Let us stop working against (our) nature and with it.

January is dark and cold. A time of traveling to dream up the seeds of the year to plant. So we can harvest in the Summer. It is a time for clearing space and creating order, so we are ready for the new year. No wasting of energy. Get yourself prepared.

The Full Moon of January is the Wolf Moon. The tribe, connections, family. But also of the lone wolf traveling into the mystery and heart of life, to meet her spirit and purpose in this life.

Owning the journey

By aligning, playing with, and connecting to this we make life a personal journey, a collective journey, a universal journey. Our ancestors' had to live close to the seasons and nature. It was our intellect separated us from this inner creative source of life, renewal, power, inspiration, and creative solutions. But it is still there in us. This intuitive knowing.

We can no longer allow ourselves to be dependent on outer circumstances (look how crazy fast the world is changing and seemingly breaking apart) and need to connect deeper to our compass, purpose, resources, and powers. To acknowledge and embrace that we are co-creating in a connected web with all. This is is a journey to reclaim that.

Our wild and naturally confident, intuitive, natural connection to life and (our) nature.



I ask you to send me back your findings, inspiration, poems, and images you encounter with traveling with the wheel of the year and each month. To give the collective co-creating a living form. Who knows, maybe we have material for a little book at the end of the year!?



You can step in and out when ever you want. Each month I will send you a mail with the energy of the Month and what to focus and work on, to let your creativity and life connect to nature.

I will also send an invitation to a Full Moon ceremony. Either through Zoom, outside live or a link to a recorded guided journey.

The forms may change slightly as I want to allow myself to play and improvise with the year and the journey.

I love reading about the stars and astrological reading of the energies. But I also feel it is very important to connect to our intuition, and source of direct relating to life and nature.

I know you can do too, and I will inspire you to trust exactly that.



Each month you might have a different income. So I propose you pay what you can on a sliding scale each month. Sometimes you can pay that, more, and sometimes less. Thank you in advance. You can either ask me for a tikkie or make a payment to https://paypal.me/LeelaMayStokholm

I trust you in honoring the time, love, and energy I put into taking you along with my journey. Together we are co-creating a collective art piece.



As I said this collective journey will evolve I might alter some elements - maybe we will create a Slack group to share how we connect and create during the months to inspire each other. The guided meditations of the Full Moon with being online, recorded, and sent to you or even done live under the Summer Sky. Let us see how the journey goes.



Send me a mail to join up or ask your questions or ideas to

leelamaystokholm1@gmail.com with Moonth in subject box.


Looking forward to get to know the year closer, deeper and more intimate. WITH you.


Lungs full of love and light,


Amsterdam, Planet Earth, this Universe, January 2021