INdividual Flow


Play ~ Create ~ Discover ~ Freedom


We are all creators at heart


Do you feel stuck in your creativity, playfulness and authentic expression? Would you like to have a safely held space with guidance, clear tools and be supported to connect to your source of creativity?


During our one-on-one sessions we will work on opening your voice to create more inner space to allow all that is there to be. A physical and intuitive space will be opened though simple mind visualisation exercises and reflection questions. Also physical movement exercises will be given to let you feel where you feel there is blocked energy. Through writing, drawing, voicing, buidling, improvising and moving we stimulate the playful creative flow in you, and invite your inner child and creative playful freedom to express it self safely held. 

I will listen to your voice, body and energy and together we intuitively will invite your body, voice and nature to help you find more flow and freedom from inside out. We do not need to know why it was stuck or what was holding back. We simply kindly invite that which feels ready to flow, flow again. Without pressure or violating the sensitive inner child. 

For whom?

For anyone who feels they need a push to get their creative flow back. 


You will re-discover your way of free flow. An intuitive connection and inspiration to express, experiment and connect closer to your freedom of playing, creating and expressing from inside out. 


Individual Coaching sessions can be booked according to our flow and availabilities.


Single session: sliding scale from €90 - €120

Individual coaching trajectory: sliding scale €444 - €610 (3 sessions + online coaching)


->> See Voice of the Whale for more about the individual coaching trajectory

All prices are excl. btw, and travel expenses (outside Amsterdam)