Ocean in me (or how to build an arc?)
After a three week residency at the Mime Fabriek I am showing the outcome of my new work during Kick Off on 24/25/26th of September.
I perform several times in different combinations with the two other lovely residents.
Reserve your spot as there is limited spacing due to Corona. https://www.mimefabriek.nl/kickoff
Ocean in me
They say that the water is coming. So I looked it up. If the dikes break, my house (in this street, in this city, in this country under sea level) will be three meters underwater.
I need to build an arc. But how to do that, when I am just a drop in this ocean called life?
Ocean in me is a research on how to see the performance itself as an arc. To move us out of a place of avoidance/ overwhelm/ drowning, into a place of connected presence. To unpeel the layers of the complex into a place of playful wonder. Letting myths, music and poetry come with new possible answers.
Text, music, movement, performance: Leela May Stokholm
Advice: Anne van Dorp
Music advice: Channah van t Riet & Brechtje van Dijk
Text advice: Chris Lomans & Marieke Polderdijk
Thanks to an OCEAN of people who have supported, helped, inspired and became part of this journey!