It took me a year. Recording at home in my own living room. Improvising. Learning how to compose and use the programma Ableton. Taking up the instruments I could find at hand, play and layer. Taking lessons in song writing, composing. Trusting that my intuitive voice had something to say and follow it in a collective solo journey.

I am happy to share the result of it: my FIRST ALBUM!

You can listen, buy & support the work on Bandcamp. Or listen on Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Music or Itunes. ~

‘The water is coming’ is the theme the work revolved around, looking at it from many sides. The water as an image for how nature and we always were and are connected. I do not dream and hope of a world drowing. But I do see us recognise that we are all more connected to all than we think.

“You really take me on a journey, I can see waves of water, I can hear news telecasters speaking, shamanic singing, I can hear hope and a warning. I am very inspired and touched!!! Also I had to think of Bjork, Kate Tempest and yes Laurie Anderson…and thank you for the hello to Patti Smith. Really beautiful work.” Olja Tsyganova


Big shout out and gratitude to all the voices who joined in on The water is coming collective as well as Channah van ’t Riet, and Bec Plexus who coached me on this. Bec Plexus and Allison Wright did the mixing - (and Allison the final mastering.)

“It’s really beautiful. Sensitive, poetic and really Leela May Stokholm. <3 I love how you create a journey through your music.” Caroline Marie Sprott

“Wauw wauw wauw! I am so impressed by this beautiful album. I do not have a favourite song. It is a story, a journey, a performance in music, in voice and sound. Playful, honest, raw, light, dark and so actual. A composed journey of a woman somewhere in a city Amsterdam, that hears that the water is coming. It is almost an audiobook. So beautiful!” Pleun Peters